Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August Healthy Choices

Over the last 6 months I have not dieted, but vowed to make healthier choices. Its making a difference in my life. When I get stressed at work I go out for a walk and if its too cold or raining I put the Weightwatchers Walking Kit CD in my computer, tell the guys I'm unavailable and do the 15 minute 'walking' program. It helps to destress and isn't too bad for my waistline either.

Every evening I have been reading a passage from my daily devotions book. My hubby likes it too, something other than work to talk about. This has helped strengthen my faith in God. Something that has made a dramatic impact in my life lately!

Now to step up my game and what better time than the first day of the month?

5 things to do for your health

Peaches, I love them! The smell, the texture, the taste.. something that has more fuzz on its face then me.. lol. This amazing fruit has inspired me to put more fruits and veggies into my daily diet. Right now I get about 2 servings a day, this month I up it to one to two servings per meal and at least one for a daily snack. It doesn't sound like much... but its a start.

I'm trying this recipe - let me know what you think about it when you try it:

Exercise - yes, I groan at the word too, but we gotta suck it up and do something. That's why I have kids.... during this warm weather I am taking the kids to the park or a walk through the neighbourhood once a week. This month I'm bumping it to 3 times per week. When the kids play at the park, instead of sitting and watching them, I am bringing a book on CD and listening as I walk at least 5 times around the park- then I'll sit.  Oh, and the occasional rainy day? Dancing around the living room with my daughter to Katy Perry or Lady Gaga! Last month I taught my daughter how to do the Jive. This month Bunny Hop and The Twist.

Now a tricky one..... Sleep... those that know me, know I don't sleep well. Either its insomnia or its being forced awake by something going on outside, hubby snoring, kids nightmares, cats going crazy and a few others wonderful nocturnal curses.  I am told the excercise and drinking tea (decaffinated) an hour before bed will help.... I'm gonna try. (I love the fruit teas from the Fairmont Hotels)

Eating dessert - I don't have it every night and I don't go too crazy, I'm Considering it a mental health break. The important thing? I'm makeing sure to enjoy every mouthful.  So savour your pie, pastry or ice cream sundae, and if you can, make it healthier: use some whole wheat flour when baking, pick fruit desserts over creams and custards, and top your ice cream with heart-healthy walnuts or almonds.

Do nothing once a week. I may have a problem with this. I have always thought I have to be busy. At work, home, errands, whatever. I am going Give my brain a time-out by taking time to do nothing. Sit or lie in the sun and watch the clouds go by. Let my mind wander. Do scrapbooking, reading or cross stitch if I'm a bit restless, but something to just make the mind zone out (not the TV).

Well I hope that you will comment on this blog and let me know what changes you have or are making to improve your life and/or way of living.  I would love to hear from you!