Sunday, November 6, 2016

SCCC - When God Doesn't Fix It - Week 1

When God Doesn't Fix It - Some Notes For Us

This is an online and Facebook study.
Each week, on Monday evening, the video will be posted for that week only. (that's what I have permission for).  I do have the DVD so if you need to borrow it to review a video, let me know. Most of the video clips are between 10-14 minutes long.

Also on Monday, there will be a link to this blog for the questions for the video and discussion questions.

During the week there will be questions or thoughts to ponder/answer/comment on to keep us connected to the study and spark conversation. These will be on Facebook and I encourage each of us to comment on them and discuss in our Facebook group as we can.

REMEMBER this group is private, so only we can see these discussions. Please do not SHARE any info on your Facebook page or with anyone outside our group or that thread will be seen by anyone in your feed.

I will try to answer any tech/workbook questions as they come up.  If you want to print out that weeks  study questions (from this blog), feel free to do so. The easiest way is to highlight any text you wish to print, then right click on it and select print.

By putting this online, any of us can view the material and video at anytime of day or night! Let's have some fun ladies!

Women's Bible Study - When God Doesn't Fix It - Week 1

  • What was the first thoughts that came to you after viewing this video?  

  • Many people are taught that God promises to give us a good, safe, pain-free life if we do our best to follow and honour Him. What were you taught or led to believe about how God will treat you if you seek to live a good life for Him?  Where do you think this teaching came from?

  • In the story of Daniel, we read how God closed the mouths of the lions and allowed him to walk out of den unscratched. In the story of David, we see how the giant Goliath fell defeated at his feet.  What is the danger of simplifying Bible stories like these into lessons that give the impression that people of faith always end up on top and win the earthly battles they face?  What are other bible stories that are often used in a way that sends this message to children and adults?

  • Few characters in the Bible were so good that they warranted God's unquestioning blessing. Who are some characters in the Bible who had both good and bad qualities?  How does the presence of these characters with good and bad qualities affirm that God's blessings in our life are not based on our "good behavior". 

  • Read Romans 6:19-23.  What do you learn in this passage about the battle between sin and righteousness?  According to Paul, what are the consequences of sin?  How do you see this reality in our world today?

         What are the results of becoming a "slave" to God? What benefits do we gain from living a life             of holiness?

  • Read Romans 5:12.  Why is it absolutely essential that we understand the bad news of sin if we are going to fully understand the good news of the gospel and the hope we have in Jesus?  If someone looked at you and said, "I don't think sin is really a big deal," what would you say to help him or her understand the extent and cost of sin?

  • Read Romans 3:23, Ephesians 2:8-9, and Romans 8:1-4.  How is salvation a gift to be received and not a payment to be earned?  What is the danger of believing that our actions and "goodness" are the reason for our salvation?

  • How does a relationship with Jesus and the hope of eternal life help you stand strong during the storms you face in this life?  What is the tough time you recently walked through?  How has your relationship with Jesus enabled you to stand strong and endure?

  • Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18.  What does the apostle Paul mean when he says, "Our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."?  How can we keep our eyes and focus on what is unseen and eternal as we walk through the hard times of this life?

  • Read 2 Corinthians 11:16-33.  What are some of the struggles, pain and losses the apostle Paul faced as he lived for Jesus?  How could he be so optimistic and joy-filled in light of all he suffered?

  • (share this thought on Facebook)  How can your group pray for you and support you as you walk through a painful time or as you support someone you love who is going through a difficult time.

Prayer:  Take a few moments at different parts of your day and ask God to teach you to walk in joy even during the storms of life.