Monday, July 30, 2012

"Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force."~ Tom Blandi
sometimes it can be really hard to keep a positive attitude. I like to think that I have a positive attitude in most aspects of my life. I do have those days when all the days seem to come at me at once.

Latly, I have had the pleasure of experiencing the positive power of prayer. It has been a trying couple of years for our business and things are coming together for the good. We were facing closing the business and moving and our personal finances were (and for a while longer) are in the negative.

But with all this coming at  us I have been able to look to the Lord and gain an inner peace that things will all come together, if I work at it.

This has not been an experience of 'believe in the positive and all will be right in the world' just because I'm thinking it. No, I, with the help of my husband and family and prayer from friends have made the struggle to climb back into the light.

This flower is a perfect example. My brother gave me this potted Iris last summer. I kept meaning to plant it in the garden, but time got away from me.  Then fall killed it and winter covered it. Spring came and I saw the pot. I thought for sure it was dead and I picked it up to throw it out. The pot fell over and the leaves covering the dirt fell out and I saw it.... a shoot... defying the odds and making it work.

That's me. I am sick of cowing to what others have been telling me about my business. I am following my heart with the help and guidance of the Lord. Its making a true differance. and when that doesn't work I think of the line from the movie 'They Live'; "I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass and I'm all out of bubble gum!"

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