Friday, October 18, 2013

Women's Bible Study: Grow More In The Lord - Using God's Gifts

Women's Bible Study - Grow More In The Lord
Using God's Gifts
Oct. 17, 2013 Lesson & Worksheet

Recap last Meeting: Fear
If you missed it CLICK Here


How many times in a day do we hear negative things? Either about us or about someone else?  Do you try to turn it around or do you tolerate it?  (section 1 worksheet)

Have you ever thought about your gifts? We all have physical gifts and spiritual gifts. (section 2  worksheet)

Spiritual Gifts - gift supernaturally bestowed on Christians to edify the Body of Christ. Such as on the day on Pentecost. Most typically the Laying On Of Hands to heal or comfort.  Mark 16:17-18, Acts 8:17, Acts 19:6, 1 Timothy 4:14    (section 3  worksheet)

Gifts Can be a pretty broad term - a physical present you give to someone (Gen 25:6, Gen 34:12)
- gift given for a service (Numbers 18:6,9)
- to gain friends ((Prov 19:6)
- gift to the poor for tax purpose or not
- gift to enjoy life (Eccl 3:13)
* We're talking abut both spiritual (Exod 28:38), Redemption (Eph 2:8) and Physical

The three main gifts are Men to Men, Sacrifices to God, God Gives To Men
(lets discuss this)  (section 4 worksheet)

Have you every evaluated your gifts from God? We need to use these gifts given to us, by God, and share them with others.

Build on your strengths & Team up with people

Trigger God's blessing in all we do with generosity

The more generous you are the more God blesses your life!
God places you with your talent, in your church, place of work, etc, because he wants you to use it to help others. Don't waste it or let it rot.

To find out how to use our gifts let's discuss section 5 on the worksheet:

God has taught us that the more we give, the more we receive!
If you give your gift and use your gift with your heart it is not bragging, or self serving, it is what God intends for us.
Remember there is nothing Satan wants more than to give into our Fears and self doubt and not serve God.

(section 6 worksheet)
1 Corinth 13 - stresses that without love, Spiritual gifts are worthless.
  • vs. 1-3 has 4 examples (what are they?)
  • vs. 8-9 make a point of temporary gifts

(section 7 worksheet)
What gifts (strengths) can you share?
  • think out of the box
  • patience, prayer, sing, help someone write a resume

Prayer - Lord show me that your plan is always greater. I may not understand, but help me to accept your plan.  Help me to always choose service because I want to show your love to the world! We ask for God's help and guidance to lead us in using our talents wisely in the service of others.

Final thought
Be thankful to God for your gifts and talents. Practice and share them, even if your are not sure people will appreciate them. Use them for serving and helping on another and to help in your home and church communities.

Verses to meditate on:
Rom 5:15-18
Mark 16:15
1 Peter 4:10
1 Corinthians 12:18

G.M.I.T.L: Using Your Gifts To Help Others
Oct. 17/13

On Oct. 3/13 our discussion was on Fear. Godly Fear and Human Fear. The only way to overcome your Fears is to Love Him and serve Him (Duet 10:12)
There are two verses I would like you to memorize or meditate on this week:
Psalm 147:11 
-  the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.
and 1 John 4:18
- There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

1) How could our fears hinder finding our gifts?

2) What are some things you are good at?

3) Have you ever received or experienced Spiritual Gifts? How did you feel?

4) What are a few examples of the three main types of gifts? How would they make someone receiving them feel?
  • Men to Men
  • Sacrifices to God
  • God Gives To Men


1.  Use my gifts to Honour God
"… whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Cor. 10:31 (NIV)
2.  Use your gifts to Serve Others "God has given each of you some special abilities; be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to others God's many kinds of blessings."1 Peter 4:10 (LB)
3.  To Make a living
            "Remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth…"Deut. 8:18 (NIV)
4.  To be an example to others
"Put these abilities to work; throw yourself into your tasks so everyone may notice your improvement and progress." 1 Tim. 4:15 (LB)
5.  To have money to share
"Begin using your hands for honest work, and then give generously to others in need."      Eph. 4:28 (NLT)
6.  Build up the Church
"Why is it that God gives us these special abilities to do certain things best?  It is that God's people will be equipped to do better work for Him, building up the Church, the body of Christ, to a position of strength and maturity." Eph. 4:12 (LB)
"Take the talent from him (who didn't use it) and give to the one who has ten talents." Matt. 25:28 (NIV)
If you don't use them, you loose your reward in heaven and your talent! 'If you don't use it, you loose it'
God has the right to take away our talents if they are not used or used to his purpose.

6)  1 Corinth 13 - stresses that without love, Spiritual gifts are worthless.
  • vs 1-3 has 4 examples (what are they?)
  • vs 8-9 make a point of temporary gifts

7) What gifts (strengths) can you share?
  • think out of the box
  • patience, prayer, sing, help someone write a resume

Prayer - Lord show me that your plan is always greater. I may not understand, but help me to accept your plan.  Help me to always choose service because I want to show your love to the world! We ask for God's help and guidance to lead us in using our talents wisely in the service of others.

Verses to meditate on:
Rom 5:15-18
Mark 16:15
1 Peter 4:10
1 Corinthians 12:18

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