Thursday, August 14, 2014

Armour of God - Breastplate of Righteousness

Eph 6:14

Last week we learned about The Belt of Truth and how satan is the deceiver. We forget to seek the truth and we are tempted too easily in today's culture. If you missed last weeks study, you can find it here:

Tonight we learn about Gods second piece of armour. The Breastplate of Righteousness.  The dictionary defines Righteous as
righteous  (ˈraɪtʃəs) 
— adj
1.a. characterized by, proceeding from, or in accordance with acceptedstandards of morality, justice, or uprightness; virtuous: a righteousman
b. ( as collective noun preceded by the ): the righteous
2.morally justifiable or right, esp from one's own point of view:righteous indignation

Why is the Armour of God so important?  We must wage war against "principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places" Eph 6:12

In today's culture we feel the need to be careful that righteousness does not come across as conceit or self-importance. God wants us to wear The Breastplate of Righteousness as part of our armour to deflect Satan's fiery darts. Just what is it for and how do we wear it and why do we need it is why we're here tonight.

We as Christians, must put on the whole Armour of God - everyday. We must make time for daily bible reading and prayer to keep that armour strong.  The demons know we have weaknesses and they launch those darts of doubt, fear, etc. at various moments against the children of God.  Only when a believer has the wisdom to have quiet time with God, everyday, to read the bible and spend time in prayer will they be outfitted to persevere.  Romans 12:2

To use the breastplate successfully we must realize how vital it is and its true meaning! The breastplate was a large piece of heavy leather or metal placed over the chest and tied in place at the shoulders and around the waist with the Belt. If they were rich or lucky, they also had the back of the breastplate to secure too.
In battle the breastplate provides the Roman soldier protection of all main vital organs. To suffer a wound in the heart, stomach, lungs, spleen, etc. would most often be fatal. A warrior without his breastplate was completely exposed to every thrust of a sword, pitch of a spear, and pierce of arrows.  Isaiah 59.17

How does this translate to our spiritual Breastplate of Righteousness?

  • Imputed Righteousness:  2 Corinthians 5:21   Because we can never attain to God's perfect standard of righteousness, God sent his one and only Son into this world that He might give us His righteousness. God took our sins and imputed them into his Son, Jesus Christ. God took something that belongs to one person and placed it into the account of another by putting our sin on Jesus and charging them to His account.   By inviting Jesus into our lives and believing in Him, God imputes Jesus righteousness to us.  2 Peter 1:4
  • Imparted Righteousness:  Ephesians 4:24    God's righteousness has not only been put on , but also infuses righteousness in us as we obey Him, fill our minds and souls with His Word and call to Him in prayer.  We are internally transfused by receiving Jesus as our Savior.  2 Corinthians 5:17     We must wrap our whole being in righteousness just like the Roman soldiers covered themselves with the breastplate of armour.

We need to have a 'heart for God' by going that extra mile, being sensitive to the Lord, hunger for the things of God, and care for all people.  Without this 'heart' we can't carry out righteousness in a practical way on a daily basis.  We need to keep our spiritual heart "clean" before the Lord.  1 Corinthians 13:3, Romans 6:13, Philippians 3:9

Today its hard to notice and therefore resist sin, impurity and temptations of the flesh. The world can kill our hearts for God if we sit idle and don't use the spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit is giving us.  Matthew 12:28-29
The ways can be so subtle: Demons will attack the parent to get to the child, assail a woman to get to her friend or a child to get to a leader. Daily prayer will form an umbrella of spiritual protection over our families, friends, church leaders, anyone we pray for.   1 John 5:3, 1 John 3:24, 2 Thessalonians 3:14

Satan will play on your feelings: don't trust your feelings. Feelings are subjective, scripture is objective: When you put the subjective before the objective, you will always be confused. Proverbs 4:23

The Breastplate of Righteousness gives us a sense of confidence essential to our warfare. As we develop this we will grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.  2 Peter 3:18
If you engage the enemy with uncertainty or hesitate, you are defeated. ie. if you are unsure you are a true believer, unsure of God's plans to get you through tough times, and/or illiterate of His Word. Psalm 51:12


  1. What are some ways demons attack our churches? Are you helping against the attack or letting it happen?
  2. How do you protect yourself from the various emotional, mental and sometimes physical assaults you receive during the day?
  3. Review the 2 different forms of righteousness, how can you share them with others and strengthen yourself?
  4. How are you living your life?  The way you live either fortifies you against demon attack, or makes defeat easy
  5. Its hard for today's believers to walk in personal righteousness: Reflect- Are you willing to start with unquestioning obedience and a listening ear?
  6. How is your spiritual heart? Reflect-Is it 'clean' or has it been contaminated in some way?
  7. Make this statement to yourself:     "Here I stand, a 'soldier' in Christ, and I know something abut the enemy. I have discover something about the powers he commands and the weapons he uses, and I know they are used with subtlety, power and strength. I am aware of the weakness inside me that are exposed to hes attack.  Until I have confidence the organs inside me are covered an protected with my breastplate, I cannot possible stand and be ready for the battle that continually assaults me if Jesus wants to use me to glorify God through my life.  The moment I put on His breastplate of righteousness, I know all is well and I am ready.  2 Corinthians 10:5

source 1 -
Source 2 - Book; Christians & Demons: Armed and Anchored for Spiritual Warfare by Dr. Jerry Johnston
source 3 -

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