Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Fervent - A Book Review


Fervent: A Woman's Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer

Wow! Yet another book I'm going to have to purchase to have it to reference! I really enjoyed this book. In each strategy Priscilla teaches how not everything in her book may work for everybody the same way, you may need to tweek some things to make them your own.

 I also like how she says that some of the things suggested won't be easy and reminds you that satan is out to get your spiritual life - he'll kick your ass anyway he can; especially from the inside of your family.  It's up to you to fight the battle and win the war - with God's guidance and leading.

I paired reading this with watching War Room on Netflix - what a double whammy to add to one's prayer and spiritual life!  If you haven't seen the movie - do so - NOW! It's really interesting how the characters develop and are spiritually challenged and led.

Have you read the book? Or watched the movie?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.  This review is my own opinion and I am not getting paid to do this review.

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