Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Kid Olympics

My six year old son asked me what the Olympics are. Once I explained and visited the Internet with him, he was so excited. He wanted to know if there is an Olympics for kids. He was perplexed when I told him NO. Then we proceeded in creating one for him and his friends.

  • We decided on how many 'events' to have. We decided on 6.
  • We planned out how many kids and what ages were going to attend. (Our games are for ages 3 to 8)
  • We will have three adults for judges.
  • 1st event: the tight rope walk: We place an 8 foot length of rope on the ground and the kids, one at a time, must walk forward and then backward on the rope. the one that can do both ways without stepping off the rope wins 1st and so on.
  • 2nd event: Jump rope: For the older kids, whoever jumps the most times in 2 minutes wins. For the younger kids, lay the rope on the ground and the kids jump back and forth over it for 1 minute and the one with the most jumps wins.
  • 3rd event: bean bag toss: We got a 3 by 8 foot piece of wood and one of the dads cut varying sized holes at various heights all over the board. We placed a line one third of the way up and the lower part was for the younger kids. A different colour outlined the holes for varying degree of difficult. The one that put a bean bag through all of the holes or got the highest before missing was the winner and so on.
  • 4th event: Name that Character: the kids are shown pictures of various cartoon or whatever pictures you choose and the one that names the most or all wins.
  • 5th event: Keychain making: The kids have all they need to assemble a keychain. A keyring, pipecleaner, 8 coloured beads and a charm. They are shown how to assemble the keychain and the start is sounded.
  • 6th event: triathlon: choose 3 different activities suited to the ages of the kids. We chose 10 situps, running backward the length of an 8 foot rope, then bike or trike back to the beginning.

we assembled award ribbons from cupcake papers and ribbon to look like rosette awards and pickup up small prized from the dollar store for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

then we will end it with a water balloon fight!

Let us know how your event goes and what ideas you have for your own 'Olympic' events.

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