Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How did we survive to be adults?

Well, my husband and I spent an hour trying to put our kids car seats (the ones that support them until they are 80lbs, and can be made into a booster chair). We ended up with language that could make a sailor blush and a trip to Wal-Mart for booster seats.

How is it that we lived to adulthood? I remember going on trips with my family. I have 4 siblings and my mom and dad. My dad converted a raised roof van into a camper. My siblings and I would 'surf' in the middle of the van while my parents chatted in the front without seatbelts. When we were tired, we slept in the bunks, while the vehicle was in motion.

We all learned not to talk back and how far we could 'push our luck' with our parents. My mom had a wooden spoon and my dad would put his hand on his belt and give us the warning 'look'. Now as adults we do the '1...2...3' as our kids just stare blankly at us. Or we send them to their room for a punishment of a TV and game system, toys carpeting the floor and a 'you can come out in 8 minutes because you're 8 years old and you get a one minute time out for every year of age'.

And don't get me started on the manners of todays kids. We always addressed adults as Mr. or Mrs. Nieghbour, or Sir. My brothers learned to open doors for ladies and we all knew that 'please and thank you' were needed if you wanted to actually recieve that snack or gift.

I am teaching my kids manners. My six year old son opens doors for ladies, my three year old daughter says 'thank you' when she gets a compliment. And both my kids know that out in public they must say 'please' and 'thank you'.

Yes, I understand that this new way is supposed to reduce abuse of children and be the new and accepted way, but I turned out pretty good. I'm not a serial killer, abuser of substance or people and I know how to conduct myself socially. I wonder what our kids will have to deal with when they have kids?

I would love for you to share how you get your kids to behave, or use their manners or even a story from your childhood. Don't be shy.... you can use a fake name....

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