Sunday, July 5, 2009

Is your little one scared of bugs?

My six year old son is terrified of flying bugs. He will try to stand still while they are buzzing around, but always ends up running for the nearest door or hides behind me crying.

I read an article the other day on all the uses of a Bounce dryer sheet. One of them was that if you tie one to your belt loop or tuck it in your front pocket with half of the sheet sticking out, its a good bug repellant.

Last night we tested that theory. I tied a bounce sheet to his belt loop.... not one bug came near him! The occasional wasp we have flying around did a wide dip around him and came staight to me! The mosquitos loved my daughter and me, but not one bite on my son. Even the ants didn't crawl by him while he was playing on the sidewalk with chalk.

If you try it, let me know if it worked the same for you!!

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