Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Great Weight Lifted!

I don't like to push religon on others unless asked. Although Today I have to shout from my balcony, THANK YOU GOD! I'm alive and doing fine.

We have had so much pressure with financial obligations at the store my hubby and I own. With divine help and much prayer from us and our Church we have overcome the worst of the hurtles! We had a business that could have closed our doors if we didn't pay their bill and today (one day early than the deadline) I was able to give our lawyer the cheque.

Now all of our worries aren't over we still have a few hurtles to jump yet, but this one was weighing very heavy in our lives and now it seems a load has been lifted. My lawyer was so proud and happy for us that he gave me a High Five! Now how cool is that and how many lawyers would be excited for their clients to the point of a High Five and a vigorous handshake??? It was totally awesome! (sorry for the '80's phrase)

God never gives us more than we can handle, but Holy Cow did we cut it close! Thank you Lord for this blessing!

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