Monday, March 19, 2012

My Share With You! Tina Graves: Stalking Slandering and Bullying

So many talk of bullying these days. I just got a phone call from the Police News that they are doing an Alberta Campaign to inform kids about bullying. Yes, its nice to share info about what kids may be able to do to stop it but what are we doing to stop it?

I was one of the many that faced bullying in Elementary school. I was chased on bikes, wrapped in a chain link fence, thrown off a school roof, constantly harrassed by the 'popular' crowd and it all started with a rumor. One of the 'popular' boys asked me on a date, I said 'No', then the crap began. It really hurt my reputation, which I didn't care about too much, but they trickled to my younger siblings and they started getting bullied.

Its over two decades later and we all survived. My son who's 9 has had his experience with bullying. His school has a zero tolerance and suspended the bully. My son intervened on the behalf of another boy that was being bullied and talked to them both. Now all three are friends. So is it how we are shown to handle bullies that is the difference?

Below is a blog from someone that was bullied. Its an interesting read. It poses the questions, how can we overcome the bullying of our youth? How do we overcome the feelings and avoid it in the future? How do we not put up with it when we're an adult? 

I hope you will comment on this.

Thinking of You, Val

Tina Graves: Stalking Slandering and Bullying: I have had plenty of people asked me do this and I told them when the time is right, I will share my perspective on these cases. I thought...

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