Sunday, March 25, 2012

My Personal Journey

I have been told many times 'You can't do that!!' ? By parents trying to keep me safe, but teachers correcting how I spell or do math, mostly from the business industry I am in. I own a Hobby Store, with my husband.

In the Hobby business it is mostly males. Male customers, male staff, testosterone is everywhere. I love these challenges! The guy that comes in and says 'You can't help me' (with the unspoken, You're a girl). Until I ask, 'Well, try me and if I can't help, I'll get you someone who can'. 9 times out of 10 those guys are stopped in their tracks because this woman knows what she's talking about! Its great correcting them, without correcting them with an IN YOUR FACE!!

The spiritual strengthening is coming along great. I have really moved forward in becoming a Social Media Manager to improve my business. My other favourite thing - I am assserting myself more and saying NO more! Its all so empowering! Its feeling so awesome!!

Every once in a while a person needs to change their direction because their life has changed or needs a change for the better. This is my Midcourse Correction! Quote~The shifting tides of life have a way of testing our faith, our determination, and our common sense. But when we accept our changing circumstances and adapt to them , we gain maturity and insight. ~Daily Inspirations For Women ;Mar. 24

So the next time someone tells you "You can't do that!" Prove them wrong if you know your can do it! Today I am grabbing for my own brass ring, and I'm gonna do it my way! And when I succeed its gonna feel AWESOME!

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