Sunday, February 11, 2018

Armour of God - You Are Now Outfitted in the Full Armour of God

In order to succeed in our battle with Satan we must be prepared and put on the Full Armour of God. The scriptures in each of our previous lessons about The Armour of God are to prepare ourselves daily to win the war against Satan and his demons.

Belt of Truth

  • know Jesus
  • know His Word
  • Live His Word
Breastplate of Righteousness
  • protects the heart
  • God's righteousness He gives us
  • to live like Jesus- Gods righteousness He produces in us
  • to make the right choices - to think and then act properly
  • resist temptation - even the little ones
  • its easier to make the right choices than correct them
Shoes (sandals) of Peace
  • stand ready in faith - take your position and hold/stand firm
  • be at peace with God
  • be at peace with others
  • share your faith with others
Shield of Faith
  • know and live God's Word
  • act on your faith
  • resist worry, fear and doubt
  • trust the promises of God

All pieces of the Armour of God are to prepare and protect us. They should never be taken off or set down on the battlefield.

We have gone through each piece of armour over the last through weeks. The challenge was not just to learn about each piece but to begin a study of God's Word and to be prepared to stand firm against the false teachings of this world; to be prepared to answer the questions of non-believers we encounter on  a daily basis.

This is just my opinion 

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