Friday, August 9, 2013

What Inspires You?

With today's 'run around like a chicken with their head cut off'' world, we sometimes forget about what may keep us going.  Is it your kids? Your spouse? Is it a special quote or photo?  Please share with me:

What Inspires You?

Today it was all the great things happening to me. I would get emotionally charged when I had a good sale at the store, got a hug from my kids (they come to work with me on Fridays), Then I got a phone call that wasn't so nice, after I got good news about an acquaintance, then hubby surprised me by 'cooking' supper. A down moment when I realized I ran out of Vanilla for a cookie recipe, only to find out you can substitute Maple Syrup for Vanilla (I have lots of that!)

I believe it also matters how you look at what life throws at you as to weather or not you can be inspired. If you're in a fowl mood, it may be much harder to find that inspiration.

My biggest inspirations are my renewed Faith, my hobbies and finding/sharing great pictures, jokes or quotes I have found online.

So How Do You Find Inspiration? Please share some of us just may be Inspired by YOU today!

God Bless and Keep You!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Soul - Longing For More

     Like so many of us, I have been 'wanting' and 'searching' for more. It has almost been like I can't find something. I'm not referring to something physical, but something inside me.

     I have started finding it in the Church I attend and getting more involved in the church. I have made so many new friends and Love being a part of our worship team, teaching Sunday School and being a part of the choir.  It came to me the other day what I've been missing......  I want to Worship Him All Week, not just on Sundays; and I want to share Him with my Family!

     So, I've been searching. I was watching 100 Huntley Street in July and they were promoting a great book by Rich Melheim called Holding Your Family Together. I had talked to my husband about this book and why it would be helpful to the spiritual nourishment of our family. Last night, it was in my mailbox - my husband ordered it for me so we can strengthen the souls of our children and our family!

     On August 4, 2013 I started doing the online bible study Yes To God and it has been amazing for me. I hope you will check out the link and sign up yourself.  I was on their Facebook page and met so many interesting women, from the infancy of their faith to women that can quote whatever verse suits the moment. It inspired me to start a private Facebook prayer circle. (if you are interested in joining please leave a comment and I will contact you).

     The verse for the week of the Yes To God bible study is: 
Deuteronomy 6:5   Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
I don't know my bible very well (and I'm working to fix that), but I do know my worship songs. And Love The Lord on YouTube is a song played frequently at our church and in my home!

Not only have I encountered this verse in the Yes To God bible study, it has presented itself in the Multiply Course (making disciples) I have been taking with a good friend, Wendy, it has been on 100 Huntley Street twice in the last two weeks and in another book I have started re-reading 'The Purpose Driven Life'.

So today I hope you will look inside yourself and really ask yourself, is my soul needing spiritual nourishment?  If its more than that, please find someone to talk to and if it is spiritual uplifting I hope you will check out some of the things I've mentioned above.

10,000 Reasons - Please view this song, it really talks to your soul!

Please keep in mind that I am not promoting anything on this blog, I am just giving my opinion on what has been great for me as a person!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Its a heavy and multi meaning word.

Mercy can mean different things to people. I have three recent examples in my life:

  1. I locked my keys in my car (I never do this- ever!) and my husband had my spare set, but he was in Maryland, USA (I'm in Calgary, AB-Canada). I had only a little over an hour before I had to go get my kids. The tow truck driver arrived in minutes and he turned out to be a friend of one of my co-workers. The tow truck driver didn't charge me!   I think his mercy was hearing of all the bad things that were happening to me that day - although the Lord balanced those things out too!
  2. A regular customer in our store loves to talk hobbies and sometimes we talk scripture and I have even prayed with him in some hard times (yep, right in the store).  He came to me a couple of days ago and said that he hadn't been in for a while as he was depressed.  Then he shared that he remembered me praying for him and he started praying for himself. It came to him during prayer - "I free you from your chains as the Lion of Judah".  He then said he felt a great weight off his chest.   ~for reference click here~  He came to me here at the store, the next day to say that he believes the Lion of Judah was indeed Jesus, taking his giant paw and slicing the chains that were tightening around my friend! 
  3. This last example is a true miracle and act of Mercy from our Savior. A family member decided to bring a financial lawsuit against my husband, myself and our business. We had no dispute we owed him some money, we just had none to reimburse him with and we asked him to wait until our strong sales season. He would not wait and his lawyer gave us two weeks to come up with a plan.  We were panicking! My husband and I were beside ourselves, until a couple nights later when the Lord spoke to us both telling us to go back from 1994 to present day and record every deposit and payment on a spreadsheet.  We took 12 and a half hours and went through Every Scrap of paper (I'm glad I never threw any of it away!) and we found out that we had written this family member a rather large cheque that neither of us remember writing.  So it looks like we don't owe him anything!
Two great songs come to mind: Lord, Have Mercy and Once Again. I hope you watch them!

In what ways has the Lord shown you Mercy or have you seen the Mercy of His works?

Please leave your comments!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Finding My Purpose

Have you ever had one of those periods in life where 'someone' keeps trying to tell you something?
Lately I have been finding a renewed strength in my faith. Faith in my family, spirituality and in myself.

I have been hearing a little voice inside me saying 'start up a Women's Bible study'. Not just for me, but for others who are just starting in their journey, rekindling their faith or are just not sure where to turn.

I have also started to realize that my life needs to be just more than running my family business, looking after everyone's needs and wants at home = I need to make time for me.
(After I make dinner, settle the kids and find time to sit at the computer)

Now don't get me wrong, I love being the boss, the Mum, the wife, the get 'er done gal, I just need to find out where I fit in to this daily cacophony.

~~ as I try to write this I end up getting sidetracked into starting plans for the family vacation in September~~

Going back to the Women's Bible study: I have some local women interested in a small home group (if you have tips for this I'm all ears!).  I would like to touch on the subjects of Fear, Pride, Finding Your Gift and more.

As I was trying to decide if I was really being called to do this study for others, I came across two bible verses that keep showing up in the oddest ways and places:

  1. Psalm 119:114 - the word of God will encourage you and give you hope
  2. Psalm 119:18 - open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law
I also have a goal this week: to talk to someone in the hopes of opening a conversation to lead to disciple

I hope others will comment and follow these posts, let's see what kind of journey we can create together!

God Bless and keep you!