Friday, August 9, 2013

What Inspires You?

With today's 'run around like a chicken with their head cut off'' world, we sometimes forget about what may keep us going.  Is it your kids? Your spouse? Is it a special quote or photo?  Please share with me:

What Inspires You?

Today it was all the great things happening to me. I would get emotionally charged when I had a good sale at the store, got a hug from my kids (they come to work with me on Fridays), Then I got a phone call that wasn't so nice, after I got good news about an acquaintance, then hubby surprised me by 'cooking' supper. A down moment when I realized I ran out of Vanilla for a cookie recipe, only to find out you can substitute Maple Syrup for Vanilla (I have lots of that!)

I believe it also matters how you look at what life throws at you as to weather or not you can be inspired. If you're in a fowl mood, it may be much harder to find that inspiration.

My biggest inspirations are my renewed Faith, my hobbies and finding/sharing great pictures, jokes or quotes I have found online.

So How Do You Find Inspiration? Please share some of us just may be Inspired by YOU today!

God Bless and Keep You!

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