Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Finding My Purpose

Have you ever had one of those periods in life where 'someone' keeps trying to tell you something?
Lately I have been finding a renewed strength in my faith. Faith in my family, spirituality and in myself.

I have been hearing a little voice inside me saying 'start up a Women's Bible study'. Not just for me, but for others who are just starting in their journey, rekindling their faith or are just not sure where to turn.

I have also started to realize that my life needs to be just more than running my family business, looking after everyone's needs and wants at home = I need to make time for me.
(After I make dinner, settle the kids and find time to sit at the computer)

Now don't get me wrong, I love being the boss, the Mum, the wife, the get 'er done gal, I just need to find out where I fit in to this daily cacophony.

~~ as I try to write this I end up getting sidetracked into starting plans for the family vacation in September~~

Going back to the Women's Bible study: I have some local women interested in a small home group (if you have tips for this I'm all ears!).  I would like to touch on the subjects of Fear, Pride, Finding Your Gift and more.

As I was trying to decide if I was really being called to do this study for others, I came across two bible verses that keep showing up in the oddest ways and places:

  1. Psalm 119:114 - the word of God will encourage you and give you hope
  2. Psalm 119:18 - open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law
I also have a goal this week: to talk to someone in the hopes of opening a conversation to lead to disciple

I hope others will comment and follow these posts, let's see what kind of journey we can create together!

God Bless and keep you!

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