Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Lifegiving Table - Book List Review

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The Lifegiving Table: Nurturing Faith Through Feasting, One Meal at a Time
Book by Sally Clarkson

I am really enjoying this book challenge.  I have never followed someone else's suggestions on reading a whole list, and I'm so happy I am.  Through some of these books, especially the Christian titles, I have really learned a lot. And in ways I wasn't expecting.

I have always liked to entertain, unfortunately my husband doesn't share this enthusiasm. Well at least not until recently.  In January 2018 we moved from Calgary to a county in the country - none of my family (except myself) have ever really been on an acreage.

For the time being we are not going to have animals such as chickens or goats, we're just sticking with our 2 dogs, 8 cats, 2 teenagers, my mother-in-law, my husband and me.  I think that's enough for now. Between trying to get our house harmoniously in order with five peoples belongings and navigating a life change of living in the country, we all think this is a very good thing.

I made it clear, that when we moved out to our new homestead I really want to entertain more.  Not every week, but at least once a month. So far, it just may work and listening to this latest audiobook has really made me excited for this new season in my life, well, our lives.

Through reading this book I am learning to make our home a more restful and emotionally safer place. That encourages conversation and communication within our family first.  We've learned to talk to eachother before someone is invited over and even discuss the menu before we invite anyone.  Even though I'm the one who will be cooking, my family still needs to participate in setting the table, entertaining our guests and making room at our table.  All while making sure both my family and our guests are comfortable.

Most importantly food and faith will be a big factor of these meals and this book gives great tips and ideas on how to do it without being pushy and invasive.

This book may just be another that I have to buy to have in my collection for reference. I hope you'll give this book a read or listen to (I listened to it on audio from Hoopla for free) it is really worth it.

Let me know what you thought of the book in the comments below.  This review is my opinion only and I am not receiving any money for this post.

Blessings friends and share how you entertain in the comments below.


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Lost Gate - Book Review

The Lost Gate

Listened to this on Hoopla for free:

This was a fantastic book! Taking place in 'our time' Danny grows up in a village that prides themselves on being Demi-gods decended from Thor and other Norse gods.
A bit like the Percy Jackson books with a few interesting twists in the story. There is also an alternate timeline that's just as intriguing.
This is a great fiction read for teens to adults.

I enjoyed both of the narrators. Let me know what your thoughts are about this fiction book.

This is just my opinion and I am not getting paid for this post.

Fervent - A Book Review


Fervent: A Woman's Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer

Wow! Yet another book I'm going to have to purchase to have it to reference! I really enjoyed this book. In each strategy Priscilla teaches how not everything in her book may work for everybody the same way, you may need to tweek some things to make them your own.

 I also like how she says that some of the things suggested won't be easy and reminds you that satan is out to get your spiritual life - he'll kick your ass anyway he can; especially from the inside of your family.  It's up to you to fight the battle and win the war - with God's guidance and leading.

I paired reading this with watching War Room on Netflix - what a double whammy to add to one's prayer and spiritual life!  If you haven't seen the movie - do so - NOW! It's really interesting how the characters develop and are spiritually challenged and led.

Have you read the book? Or watched the movie?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.  This review is my own opinion and I am not getting paid to do this review.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Reading List - Refresh


It's available on Hoopla to listen for free:

If you're feeling overwhelmed, pulled in different directions; this is a great book to learn some techniques to heal/move through your obstacles.
Some things I tried and they are working.
The authors hubby wrote a companion book to this one for the men.
I'm going to buy this one for my collection for regular reference!

I enjoyed the narrator on this audio book. Please share your comments below on what you think about this book.

this is my opinion and I am not getting paid for this review

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Reading List - The Silver Spear

The Silver Spear
Book by Clare C. Marshall

Image result for The Silver Spear

This is book 2 of a three part series.  The first book, Violet Fox is also fantastic.  

A 16 year old girl is due to marry the prince of the Merlenian realm. She grew up having to fight for freedom, food and a place to sleep and now she lives in a castle about to be a queen.

How can she fit the needs of her people, the Freetors with a people that want to enslave and prevent the Freetors from becoming free and getting lands they deserve.

When a quest to find the Silver Spear could unite the two warring factions, Kiera knows this is what must be done; with or without her prince.

This is such a good read! Great for pre-teens to adults. Lots of adventure and hints of romance without being too involved or vulgar.

Read it and let me know what you think of it.

This is just my opinion and i'm not getting paid for this review.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Book List - Family Worship by Donald Whitney

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I downloaded this on Hoopla on audio. At first the guy reading the book (the author) was hard to listen to, but I soon got used to his voice.  The lessons are great but the questions to go over as a study book aren't given until the end. So if you plan to use this book as a study, the paper or e-book version may be better. 

I liked some of the approaches to family worship for example how to teach your kids to be stronger in worship of God.  If your husband isn't being the spiritual head of the household - how can you encourage him?  And if your husband isn't a Christian but you, as mother are, how can you be both a beacon to your husband and a guide to your children.

I learned a lot from this book and I hope you'll share your opinions with me too.

Read more about the book HERE
This is just my opinion and I am not getting paid to post this.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Second book from my reading list - fiction Beth Moore book

The Undoing of Saint Sivanus by Beth Moore

The Undoing of Saint Silvanus

This is Beth Moore's premiere drama fiction book. At first, although I was enjoying the story I wanted to slap the character Jillian.  As you read (or listen to the audio as I am) her character evolves and you share so many of her ordeals and trials and you start identifying with her.

Jillian is also dealing with a lot of drama in her young life as so many of us do in today,s modern world. Jillian needs to come to terms with the death of a father she didn't know, her grandmother - the ice queen, and people who meant well but kept poking their nose into her business.

There is a great mystery involved revolving around her fathers death and the church converted to a house, that her grandmother lives in.  There are great characters to keep your attention. The only thing I really didn't like was after the climax the story does go on a little longer than I was expecting, but the things that happened were nice to read.

This book does have spiritual aspects and references and  some lessons to teach us.  Overall a decent read while sitting cozy under a blanket at the end of the day.

Thanks for reading my post and I would like to know what you thought of this book.


This is my opinion and is not sponsored in any way
Check out The Undoing of Saint Silvanus on hoopla digital. #hoopladigital

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

First Book From My Reading List - READ!

Women Living Well by Courtney Joseph

Women Living Well

We all wish for a better life and in this modern chaotic world, even more so.  This book helps you find ways to change and adjust the landscape of your life, giving little tips, hints and tricks that can help with the day to day crap that bombards us.

Some things I had a hard time listening to (I downloading the audio version from Hoopla), and somethings were like a slap in the face, such as better ways to relate to my children and making God first (not all the little things that pop up).

My favourite parts were how she explained different ways to improve my walk with God.  This is a place I really struggle with right now and I could give so many excuses on why it's not happening such as we're making a big personal move out to the country, we're restructuring our business, my mother-in-law moved in with us (which I actually like); but there really is no excuse.

I listen to a chapter of the bible daily while making breakfast for my family in the morning, but I don't get to sit and ponder over what His Word is trying to say to me or what the Spirit wants me to do.  But I digress....

Courtney dives into so many topics in the well written book: marriage, parenting, managing a household, some of them may be interesting and of use to you and some may not. Overall I did enjoy this book as the first in my reading series.

I really think this one is great for newly weds right to seasoned widows. Get in on audio or get the book and read it!

Talk to you soon,

This is my own opinion, this is not a sponsored post
Check out Women Living Well on hoopla digital. #hoopladigital

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Armour of God - You Are Now Outfitted in the Full Armour of God

In order to succeed in our battle with Satan we must be prepared and put on the Full Armour of God. The scriptures in each of our previous lessons about The Armour of God are to prepare ourselves daily to win the war against Satan and his demons.

Belt of Truth

  • know Jesus
  • know His Word
  • Live His Word
Breastplate of Righteousness
  • protects the heart
  • God's righteousness He gives us
  • to live like Jesus- Gods righteousness He produces in us
  • to make the right choices - to think and then act properly
  • resist temptation - even the little ones
  • its easier to make the right choices than correct them
Shoes (sandals) of Peace
  • stand ready in faith - take your position and hold/stand firm
  • be at peace with God
  • be at peace with others
  • share your faith with others
Shield of Faith
  • know and live God's Word
  • act on your faith
  • resist worry, fear and doubt
  • trust the promises of God

All pieces of the Armour of God are to prepare and protect us. They should never be taken off or set down on the battlefield.

We have gone through each piece of armour over the last through weeks. The challenge was not just to learn about each piece but to begin a study of God's Word and to be prepared to stand firm against the false teachings of this world; to be prepared to answer the questions of non-believers we encounter on  a daily basis.

This is just my opinion 

My 2018 reading list and challenge- Mostly Christian Reading

My 2018 reading list and challenge
Inspired by by Jami Balmet of Young Wife's Guides

I love reading!  Now that my kids are older I'm back in the perfect season for enjoying books again. Not only to read the paper version (I love the smell and feel of a real book) but now that I'm commuting to work the audio version makes more sense.  All of these I can download on the Hoopla app from my local library either audio or e-book or go borrow it - FREE!!

My 13 books:
  1.  Refresh by Shona and David Murray  Finished March 2018 click here
  2.  The Blessings of Humility by Jerry Bridges
  3. The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
  4. Managing Gods Money  by Randy Alcorn
  5.  The Life Giving Table by Sally Clarkson  Finished Apr. 20/18
  6.  Family Worship by Donald Whitney Finished: Feb. 7/18 click here
  7. Living Well, Spending Less by Ruth Soukup
  8. Fruitful Life by Jerry Bridges
  9.  Women Living Well by Courtney Joseph Finished: Jan. 19/18 
  10. Twelve Extraordinary Women by John McArthur
  11.  Missional Motherhood by Gloria Furman
  12. Treasures In The Psalms by Dr, Henry M. Morris 
  13. The Disciple of Grace by Jerry Bridges

Extra reading:
  • The Silver Spear by Claire C. Marshall Finished: Feb. 10/18 click here
  • Surprise The Word: 5 Habits of Highly Missional People by Michael Frost
  • She Means Business by Carrie Green
  • Come And Eat by Bri McKoy Finished: Jan. 29/18 
  • I Am Loved by Wendy Blight
  • Capture His Heart by Lysa TerKeurst 
  • The Lost Gate by by Orson Scott Card Finished: Mar. 10/18 click here
  • Fervent by by Priscilla Shirer Finished Apr. 2/18 Click here

2018 Christian Reading Challenge for Women

CLICK HERE to discover all the books and a few different plans

This is NOT a sponsored post, just my opinion.  Most of these books are available both on audio and paperback. I prefer the Hoopla app for free audiobooks.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Women of The Apocalypse - Book Review

I love action/adventure style books and yes, it's great reading about the guy that wins the battle, but this book is different, it's time read about the girls that kick some ass!

At the (2015) Edmonton Expo I had the pleasure of meeting some great Women Canadian authors. As I talked with them I glanced over and saw a few books, but one in particular caught my eye....

Women Of The Apocalypse


I got the chance to meet one of the authors, Eileen Bell

I usually pass books on after I read them, but this ones staying on my shelf! And not just because it's signed.

Four women vs. the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Each woman has a different story by a different author and all are a fun read!  I give it 4 of 5 stars! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

This is NOT a sponsored post, just my opinion.  Check out the book online, Click Here