Thursday, November 28, 2013

Grow More In The Lord: Helping Others Know Jesus

Women's Bible Study - Helping Others Know Jesus
November 21/13

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me 
To preach good news to the poor; 
He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim freedom for the prisoners, 
To recover the sight of the blind, 
To release the oppressed and proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." Luke 4:18-19 (NKJV)

Many of us do not know if we can be a Servant of Christ. What is it to serve? You know you can be a servant when you look at how you respond to someone treating you like a servant.
Do you have a servant's heart? Do you give your time and yourself to helping others when you can, because you can, or because you feel you have to?
Keep in Mind:  Jesus is asking us to do what He, Himself did when He was on Earth.


I serve God by serving others.

“If you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded.” 

A popular phrase today is 'Servant Leader'. Is this because of the human ego? When we declare ourselves a leader are we not expecting others to serve us?  God doesn't care what label we put on it; he just wants us to serve with our heart.
The more you serve the more God pours His blessings into your life.

The first step to bringing others to Jesus is getting baptized yourself. Not only is it a commandment in the bible, its also His wish that we declare publicly that as an adult we choose to follow Jesus and wish all who see us, to know we choose Jesus (and God).

The second step: God wants us to have connection with Him on the first day of every week. Sunday.  So we can be guided into our next week with a strong foothold.

Jesus read the prophecy of himself (the Messiah is coming one day) from the scroll of:
  • anointed me to preach good news to the poor
  • sent me to heal the broken-hearted
  • to proclaim freedom for the prisoner
  • to recover the sight of the blind
  • to release the oppressed and proclaim the year of the Lord's favour

The third step: How can you know if you have the heart of a servant? Jesus said, "You can tell what they are by what they do."

1. Real servants make themselves available to serve.
When God calls upon us for an act of service, do we grumble? Do we reject it, saying that our schedule is already filled to the brim? Real servants don't fill up their time with other pursuits that could limit their availability. Just like a soldier, a servant should be ready for duty anytime. Are we available to God anytime? Can he mess up our plans without becoming resentful?
Let's remind ourselves at the start of each day that we are God's servant, so that interruptions won't frustrate us as much, because our agenda will be whatever God wants to bring into our life.

2. Real servants pay attention to needs.
Servants are always on the lookout for ways to help others. John Wesley, an incredible servant of God, once said, "Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the places you can, at all times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can.  "That is greatness.
We can begin by looking for small tasks that no one else wants to do. (yes, even cleaning the church toilet)

3. Real servants do their best with what they have.
Servants don't make excuses, procrastinate, or wait for better circumstances. God expects you to do what you can, with what you have, wherever you are. Less-than perfect service is always better than the best intention.
One reason many people never serve is that they fear they are not good enough to serve. Well, the truth is, almost everything we do is done poorly when we first start doing it - that's how we learn.

4. Real servants do every task with equal dedication.
As servants, whatever we do, do it with all our hearts.. The size of the task is irrelevant. The only issue is, does it need to be done?
You will never arrive at the state in life where you're too important to help with menial tasks. Jesus specialized in menial tasks that everyone else tried to avoid: washing feet, helping children, fixing breakfast, and serving lepers. Nothing was beneath him, because he came to serve. It wasn't in spite of his greatness that he did these things, but because of it. And he expects us to follow his examples.

5. Real servants are faithful to their ministry.
Servants finish their tasks, fulfill their responsibilities, keep their promises, and complete their commitments. They don't leave a job half undone, and they don't quit when they get discouraged. They are trustworthy and dependable.
Faithfulness has always been a rare quality. Most people don't know the meaning of commitment. They make commitments casually, then break them for the slightest reason without any hesitation, remorse, or regret. Every week, churches and other organizations must improvise because volunteers didn't prepare, didn't show up, or didn't even call to say they weren't coming.
Can we be on counted by others? Are there promises we need to keep, vows we need to fulfill, or commitments we need to honour? God is testing our faithfulness. Imagine what it will feel like one day to have God say to you, "Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let's celebrate together!"
Faithful servants never retire. They serve faithfully as long as they're alive. You can retire from your career, but you will never retire from serving God.

6. Real servants maintain a low profile.
Servants don't promote or call attention to themselves. Instead of acting to impress and dressing for success, they "put on the apron of humility, to serve one another." If recognized for their service, they humbly accept it but don't allow notoriety to distract them from their work.
Serving in order to impress people with how spiritual we are, is the sin of the Pharisees. They turned helping others, giving, and even prayer into a performance for others. Jesus hated this attitude and warned, "When you do good deeds, don't try to show off. If you do, you won't get a reward from your Father in heaven."
In our bodies, we have several prominent parts that we could live without. Most people could go on living without an arm, a leg, or even an eye, but nobody could live without a brain, or a heart. It is the hidden parts inside our bodies that are significant.
Knowing this, let's not be discouraged when our service is unnoticed or taken for granted. Keep on serving God! Even the smallest service is noticed by God and will be rewarded. Remember the words of Jesus: "If, as my representatives, you give even a cup of cold water to a little child, you will be surely be rewarded."

Who Jesus came to help

Types of poverty: The Have Nots of life.  There are times in our lives when we don't have what we need. i.e- time, energy, money, spiritual feeling.... There are times we are lacking.
·          Material poverty (have the world is living on $2 a day - North America is very rich in comparison (Mother Teresa and the banana)
·          Moral poverty - lack of integrity or knowledge of right and wrong or just want to do what's easiest or best for you
·          spiritual poverty - don't know what God has planned for your life. So many don't know how much God loves them

The Let-down:  The term broken-hearted came from the bible - Psalm 69:20
there is the Broken-heart syndrome where a traumatic event will cause your own body to release a chemical that breaks down the tissue of your heart
·          disappointment- don't turn out how you planned
·          rejection - when you feel rejected by a loved one or someone you respect
·          resentment - holding a grudge, eats you alive

Types of prisons: 
·          addictions - and compulsions; substance, event, porn, relationship
·          secrets - you don't feel you can share or tell someone (James - confess to each other) revealing your feeling is the beginning of healing
·          ignorance - lack of education.  Half of the world cannot read or write. Bible talks about Jesus being a teacher and how He teaches us
·          fear - the bigger it gets the tighter your prison. Fear only gets bigger if you don't share
The Locked Up in their own life someway - sometimes resulting from being Broken-hearted

Types of blindness: The shut out of life - don't get to experience what others see and do because of their prison
·          relational blindness - you don't see how you're messing up the relationship, and you don't see the self-defeating attitude. what the common denominator in those failed relationships? you!  Men can be clueless in this way...
·          spiritual - close our eyes to the goodness of God and attribute that good to ourselves; although blame God for all the bad things that happen
·          physical blindness - colour blind, night blind, total blindness

Types: The kicked around - by circumstances, taken advantage of, bullied, etc
·          political - refugees have been pushed out of their country. Those enslaved, this is not outlawed outside of North America. (c
·          cultural - depending on where we live. Asia has girls that go neglected, or infancide (the killing of first born baby girls), each year 2 million girls between 5 and 15 sold into sexual slavery or honour killing (husband or father thinks the wife or girl did something wrong against the family)
·          spiritual  - depressed, stressed, give it all up.  This is a gift from Satan to discourage you

"The year of JUBILEE"  - year of the Lord's favour - law in Leviticus -
·          God said he didn't want us to be work slaves (every 7 days take a day off for rest and worship- commandment).
·           Every 7th year let the land rest and take that year off (sabbatical - to recharge) -
·          every 50th year have a year of Jubilee; every debt cancelled, everyone in prison for debt or enslaved for debt is set free, the land returns to original owner.
He did this in honour of the promised land to let everyone realize that we don't actually own anything, its just on loan for however many years you are on this earth. Its like God evens the score for everyone.  But Israel never observed this so God.  So the served become the servants and the servants can redeem themselves.
"I have given you an example to follow. Now do as I have done to you." John 13:15 (NLT)


Women's Bible Study - Helping Others Know Jesus
November 21/13- Worksheet

  1. Which of the six characteristics of a real servant offers the greatest challenge to me? ____________________________________________________________
  1. How do I serve? __________________________________________________
  1. How can we follow What Jesus came to do? List a person that shows you the following:
"Preach good news"

"Heal the broken-hearted"

"Proclaim freedom"

"Provide recovery of sight"

"Release the oppressed"

  1. Start with your own family today. Serve them as you can, when you can (without the resentment of 'getting taken advantage of').  Explain to the children why you are doing the laundry, cooking meals, volunteering outside of the home. Show them how to be a servant with a glad heart.  
  2. What 3 things will you do this week to kick-start your serving others?
  3. Share the good news of Jesus (with someone you know).
  4. Share that you are a Christian at work. Work it into a conversation.  Find that person around you that may be hurting others, they are hurting themselves and need your Love and serving.
  5. Remind yourself that Jesus is with you, everyday! Talk to God frequently every day- He will show you where you can serve or how to introduce Him to others.  Perfect Love of Christ casts out all fears. (the fear of embarrassment or rejection is caused by Satan and is worse than actually doing the deed we fear)

Promote reconciliation 
Equip servant leaders (pastor, volunteer coordinator)
Assist the poor
Care for the sick
Educate the next generation

God knows when we are weak and wants to help us to show others His Love!

"… I have become a servant of everyone so that I can bring them to Christ… When I am with those who follow Jewish laws, I do the same, even though I am not subject to the law, so that I can bring them to Christ. When I am with Gentiles… I fit in with them as much as I can… so I can bring them to Christ. But I do not discard the law of God; I obey the law of Christ. When I am with those who are oppressed, I share their oppression so that I might bring them to Christ. I try to find common ground with everyone so that I might bring them to Christ. I do all this for the sake of the Good News, and in doing so I enjoy its blessings."
1 Cor. 9:19-23 (NLT)

How are we going to help others know Jesus?
by growing into and showing a servants heart

Encouragement - Memory Verses
Isaiah 60:1-2

This lesson inspired by The Purpose Driven Life Day 33

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Women's Bible Study - Overcoming Guilt

Women's Bible Study - Overcoming Guilt
November 7/13

Today's world has so many over-expectations for women. We are needed to run the home, teach our families how to work together, perhaps we are the one in charge of the family finances, we need to help a sick friend, attend church, be a strong Christian and excel at our jobs (weather that is inside or outside of the home) and the list continues.

This can eat away at us and cause a troubled heart. What we need to do - and its hard for most of us - is to get over the "I'm not as good as _________" blues!
Gen 20:9

Or its the "Why Me?"
Jeremiah 51:5

Most of our guilt comes from comparing ourselves to someone else. It's time to get your eyes off the person you feel is 'in front of you' and start leading your own parade.
We know when we are sinning.
John 9:41

Definition: the fact of having committed a specified or implied offence or crime.

If we let it, guilt can cripple us, you end up not seeing the path God wants you to walk- Satan starts the questions "Why would God want me?  I'm not good enough to do ______, or be ________.  Satan is distracting us away from God's path.
Hebrews 12:1-3

In our Fear lesson we learned to stop asking "What If" and started saying "What Now?".  By doing this simple mind switch we can start becoming an open receptacle and to replace that guilt by letting God's love flow into us.
Romans 10:19

So many answers can be found in the Bible and it can be hard to know where to look. Try going to an online site such as When you type in what you are searching for answers to, it can help you find reference verses to strengthen you.

A great way to get over guilt, take a 15 minute to a half hour break in your day to feed and nourish your soul. Listen to an uplifting podcast while your getting ready in the morning or driving to work. Start by reading Bible stories to your child, or grand children. There are also short daily devotional books or apps you can download on your phone or devices- read them on your bathroom break.

If you let guilt continue to have a foothold (and that includes using guilt to get your kids to do things) you will constantly feel something is missing or wrong.
John 16:8

10 Steps to overcome Guilt
  1. Realize that guilt is normal and we all have it.
  2. Think through why your actions made you feel guilty.
  3. Learn from those actions and promise to try not to repeat them. Realize we are all human, and this may not be possible, but make a personal promise to do better.
  4. Apologize to someone, if your actions hurt someone. This will help alleviate some of the guilt, and hopefully the hurt party will accept your apology.
  5. Take a lesson from the fictional character Scarlett O'Hara: "After all...tomorrow is another day." Realize each day is a new beginning filled with promise, hope and the opportunity to start over.
  6. Do not dwell on the actions that may have caused the guilt.
  7. Each time a guilty feeling arises, instead of wallowing in it, take one affirmative step. For example, if you feel guilty about having to file bankruptcy you can pay your electric bill the moment it arrives.
  8. Do a good deed. Helping others often helps the person who offers help.
  9. Seek medical assistance, if required. Excessive guilt could be part of a psychological or medical condition.
  10. See a trusted clergyman, priest or other religious figure. They can guide you when you do wrong, you have ultimately sinned against God, and the only way to be right with God and have your guilt removed is by a sacrifice being made.
Women's Bible Study - Overcoming Guilt

1.     What can we combine with prayer to move past the Guilt?

  1. What is causing you guilt right now? 
    • Try to figure out why you feel guilty. Grab a pen and notebook, and write down a list of things that could be making you feel this way. It might be difficult, but eventually you will figure out what is making you guilty. If you can't figure it out, try this approach: Consider each thing on your list and imagine if you had not done it. If you immediately feel better or wistful, this is probably the thing which is making you guilty.
    • Rate your guilt. This might sound stupid, but it can really help. Out of ten, make two ratings: How bad the thing is that you've done, and how guilty you feel. After this, think about why what you did was bad, and why you feel guilty about it. This should hopefully leave your mind a little clearer, and allows you to think rationally about the source of the guilt.
    • Consider what you are going to do. If the guilt you feel is over something like being nasty to someone or neglecting a job or pet, feel reassured in the fact that you can do something about this. Write down what you're going to do, consider when and where, and take action. If your guilt is for something like a persons' death or a friend getting angry, acknowledge that it is not your fault, and it's natural to feel this way. Do something to relax and forget about it. It's not worth feeling guilty over insurmountable predicaments: nothing can be done and you will waste your life.
    • Once you get a better idea of why you feel guilty, don't run from it. If needed, you may seek help from friends you trust, pray, visit your pastor or elder or even professionals to shed some light on your situation. Chances are unless you have committed a serious crime you may have nothing to feel guilty about. In fact you may find out that someone else has been feeding you lies.
    • Learn to Forgive- the person that hurt you or forgive yourself for the pain you have been holding on to. It's the only way to go in order to achieve acceptance, which is a very important aspect of eliminating guilt. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Women's Bible Study: Grow More In The Lord - Using God's Gifts

Women's Bible Study - Grow More In The Lord
Using God's Gifts
Oct. 17, 2013 Lesson & Worksheet

Recap last Meeting: Fear
If you missed it CLICK Here


How many times in a day do we hear negative things? Either about us or about someone else?  Do you try to turn it around or do you tolerate it?  (section 1 worksheet)

Have you ever thought about your gifts? We all have physical gifts and spiritual gifts. (section 2  worksheet)

Spiritual Gifts - gift supernaturally bestowed on Christians to edify the Body of Christ. Such as on the day on Pentecost. Most typically the Laying On Of Hands to heal or comfort.  Mark 16:17-18, Acts 8:17, Acts 19:6, 1 Timothy 4:14    (section 3  worksheet)

Gifts Can be a pretty broad term - a physical present you give to someone (Gen 25:6, Gen 34:12)
- gift given for a service (Numbers 18:6,9)
- to gain friends ((Prov 19:6)
- gift to the poor for tax purpose or not
- gift to enjoy life (Eccl 3:13)
* We're talking abut both spiritual (Exod 28:38), Redemption (Eph 2:8) and Physical

The three main gifts are Men to Men, Sacrifices to God, God Gives To Men
(lets discuss this)  (section 4 worksheet)

Have you every evaluated your gifts from God? We need to use these gifts given to us, by God, and share them with others.

Build on your strengths & Team up with people

Trigger God's blessing in all we do with generosity

The more generous you are the more God blesses your life!
God places you with your talent, in your church, place of work, etc, because he wants you to use it to help others. Don't waste it or let it rot.

To find out how to use our gifts let's discuss section 5 on the worksheet:

God has taught us that the more we give, the more we receive!
If you give your gift and use your gift with your heart it is not bragging, or self serving, it is what God intends for us.
Remember there is nothing Satan wants more than to give into our Fears and self doubt and not serve God.

(section 6 worksheet)
1 Corinth 13 - stresses that without love, Spiritual gifts are worthless.
  • vs. 1-3 has 4 examples (what are they?)
  • vs. 8-9 make a point of temporary gifts

(section 7 worksheet)
What gifts (strengths) can you share?
  • think out of the box
  • patience, prayer, sing, help someone write a resume

Prayer - Lord show me that your plan is always greater. I may not understand, but help me to accept your plan.  Help me to always choose service because I want to show your love to the world! We ask for God's help and guidance to lead us in using our talents wisely in the service of others.

Final thought
Be thankful to God for your gifts and talents. Practice and share them, even if your are not sure people will appreciate them. Use them for serving and helping on another and to help in your home and church communities.

Verses to meditate on:
Rom 5:15-18
Mark 16:15
1 Peter 4:10
1 Corinthians 12:18

G.M.I.T.L: Using Your Gifts To Help Others
Oct. 17/13

On Oct. 3/13 our discussion was on Fear. Godly Fear and Human Fear. The only way to overcome your Fears is to Love Him and serve Him (Duet 10:12)
There are two verses I would like you to memorize or meditate on this week:
Psalm 147:11 
-  the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.
and 1 John 4:18
- There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

1) How could our fears hinder finding our gifts?

2) What are some things you are good at?

3) Have you ever received or experienced Spiritual Gifts? How did you feel?

4) What are a few examples of the three main types of gifts? How would they make someone receiving them feel?
  • Men to Men
  • Sacrifices to God
  • God Gives To Men


1.  Use my gifts to Honour God
"… whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Cor. 10:31 (NIV)
2.  Use your gifts to Serve Others "God has given each of you some special abilities; be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to others God's many kinds of blessings."1 Peter 4:10 (LB)
3.  To Make a living
            "Remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth…"Deut. 8:18 (NIV)
4.  To be an example to others
"Put these abilities to work; throw yourself into your tasks so everyone may notice your improvement and progress." 1 Tim. 4:15 (LB)
5.  To have money to share
"Begin using your hands for honest work, and then give generously to others in need."      Eph. 4:28 (NLT)
6.  Build up the Church
"Why is it that God gives us these special abilities to do certain things best?  It is that God's people will be equipped to do better work for Him, building up the Church, the body of Christ, to a position of strength and maturity." Eph. 4:12 (LB)
"Take the talent from him (who didn't use it) and give to the one who has ten talents." Matt. 25:28 (NIV)
If you don't use them, you loose your reward in heaven and your talent! 'If you don't use it, you loose it'
God has the right to take away our talents if they are not used or used to his purpose.

6)  1 Corinth 13 - stresses that without love, Spiritual gifts are worthless.
  • vs 1-3 has 4 examples (what are they?)
  • vs 8-9 make a point of temporary gifts

7) What gifts (strengths) can you share?
  • think out of the box
  • patience, prayer, sing, help someone write a resume

Prayer - Lord show me that your plan is always greater. I may not understand, but help me to accept your plan.  Help me to always choose service because I want to show your love to the world! We ask for God's help and guidance to lead us in using our talents wisely in the service of others.

Verses to meditate on:
Rom 5:15-18
Mark 16:15
1 Peter 4:10
1 Corinthians 12:18

Friday, October 11, 2013

Grow More In The Lord: Fear

I have had the pleasure of hosting a Women's Bible Home Group. Our first meeting was on Oct. 3, 2013 and was really fun and interesting.

Here is the notes and a Worksheet I designed for the meeting:

Women's Bible Study: Grow More In The Lord
Fear - Oct. 3/13

I took this picture in Millet, AB in 2012

Vision: To have a small group bible study to learn more about God and improve our relationship with Him. To make a support and prayer network where we can feel comfortable.
This is not a closed group. I am the leader, but I'm also a student.

-give out slips & pen to women. What is your greatest fear? Don't sign them. Give each an envelope to put the slip in. Put them on the coffee table and pray over them. Take them home to pray about their fear and bring it to the next meeting.

          Every woman struggles with Fear in one form or another - pain, loss, what others will think of us?  There's a stigma that if women admit their fear, then they are needy, clingy or insecure.
          We can't let the Demons of Fear fill our minds with dread and doubt. This is Human Fear.

          There is another Fear - Godly Fear - This a spiritual attitude that will draw us deeper into our relationship with God.  God's word makes it clear that fear is the proper response to a holy God.

          The Hebrew word for Fear is Yare: meaning 'standing in awe'. This fear evokes Faith, but the Human Fear revokes it.

          Human Fear causes us to ask 'What if... " - we need to change that question to 'What now...'. So we are in a position to hear from God.  Its up to you to build walls or build roads.

          -Now think about what your approach to following Jesus is? Do you view Him a Jesus Lord, Master and Owner? Why or Why not?

          God asked His disciples to drop everything and just follow Him. With what was in their pockets and the cloths on their backs.  If He came to your tomorrow how would you feel? How intensely would you listen? How seriously would you take His words? Could you drop everything and follow Him?

          -Do you think you could go up to someone and talk about God? Why or why not?
Are these excuses or Fears?

          Whom has God placed in your life that can teach you to follow Jesus? Can they help you also face your fears?

1 John 4:18 (there is no fear in love)
Psalm 119:120 (I stand in awe of your laws)
Psalm 103:11 & 17 (great is His love for those that fear Him)
Luke 8:37 (Have we sent Him away?)

The only way to overcome your Fears is to Love Him and serve Him (Duet 10:12)
(Psalm 33:18)  (Eph 6:10-11, armour of God)

There are two verses I would like you to memorize or meditate on this week:
Psalm 147:11  and 1 John 4:18

Prayer: Ask God to work in your heart and prepare you for what's ahead this week.
Remember: You don't need all the answers - He calls you to follow wherever He May Lead!


Women's Bible Study: Grow More In The Lord
Fear - Oct. 3/13

Vision: To have a small group bible study to learn more about God and improve our relationship with Him. To make a support and prayer network where we can feel comfortable.

What is your greatest fear?

  1. What is Human Fear: ___________________________________________

  1. What is Godly Fear: ______________________________________________

  1. I will work on taking my 'What If' questions and making them into 'What Now' questions

  1. What your approach to following Jesus is? Do you view Him a Jesus Lord, Master and Owner? Why or Why not?  ______________________________________________________________

5.     If He came to your tomorrow how would you feel? How intensely would you listen? How seriously would you take His words? Could you drop everything and follow Him?

  6. Do you think you could go up to someone and talk about God? Why or why not?
Are these excuses or Fears?     ___________________________________________

     Whom has God placed in your life that can teach you to follow Jesus? Can they help you also face your fears?

1 John 4:18 (there is no fear in love)
Psalm 119:120 (I stand in awe of your laws)
Psalm 103:11 & 17 (great is His love for those that fear Him)
Luke 8:37 (Have we sent Him away?)

The only way to overcome your Fears is to Love Him and serve Him (Duet 10:12)
(Psalm 33:18)  (Eph 6:10-11, armour of God)

There are two verses to memorize or meditate on this week:
Psalm 147:11  and 1 John 4:18

Prayer: Ask God to work in your heart and prepare you for what's ahead this week.
Remember: You don't need all the answers - He calls you to follow wherever He May Lead!


Our Group is located in Calgary, AB and is an open group. We will be meeting the First and Third Thursday of every month.  This is also a floating group, it will be hosted in different homes and announced at which home on Facebook (privately).
Our next meeting will be at my home, Valerie, and Our topic for this study is Discovering our God Given Gifts and How to Use Them!

RSVP Today  If you do not have a facebook account, please email me at for info.

Thanks, and Grow More In The Lord, Everyday!



Friday, August 9, 2013

What Inspires You?

With today's 'run around like a chicken with their head cut off'' world, we sometimes forget about what may keep us going.  Is it your kids? Your spouse? Is it a special quote or photo?  Please share with me:

What Inspires You?

Today it was all the great things happening to me. I would get emotionally charged when I had a good sale at the store, got a hug from my kids (they come to work with me on Fridays), Then I got a phone call that wasn't so nice, after I got good news about an acquaintance, then hubby surprised me by 'cooking' supper. A down moment when I realized I ran out of Vanilla for a cookie recipe, only to find out you can substitute Maple Syrup for Vanilla (I have lots of that!)

I believe it also matters how you look at what life throws at you as to weather or not you can be inspired. If you're in a fowl mood, it may be much harder to find that inspiration.

My biggest inspirations are my renewed Faith, my hobbies and finding/sharing great pictures, jokes or quotes I have found online.

So How Do You Find Inspiration? Please share some of us just may be Inspired by YOU today!

God Bless and Keep You!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Soul - Longing For More

     Like so many of us, I have been 'wanting' and 'searching' for more. It has almost been like I can't find something. I'm not referring to something physical, but something inside me.

     I have started finding it in the Church I attend and getting more involved in the church. I have made so many new friends and Love being a part of our worship team, teaching Sunday School and being a part of the choir.  It came to me the other day what I've been missing......  I want to Worship Him All Week, not just on Sundays; and I want to share Him with my Family!

     So, I've been searching. I was watching 100 Huntley Street in July and they were promoting a great book by Rich Melheim called Holding Your Family Together. I had talked to my husband about this book and why it would be helpful to the spiritual nourishment of our family. Last night, it was in my mailbox - my husband ordered it for me so we can strengthen the souls of our children and our family!

     On August 4, 2013 I started doing the online bible study Yes To God and it has been amazing for me. I hope you will check out the link and sign up yourself.  I was on their Facebook page and met so many interesting women, from the infancy of their faith to women that can quote whatever verse suits the moment. It inspired me to start a private Facebook prayer circle. (if you are interested in joining please leave a comment and I will contact you).

     The verse for the week of the Yes To God bible study is: 
Deuteronomy 6:5   Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
I don't know my bible very well (and I'm working to fix that), but I do know my worship songs. And Love The Lord on YouTube is a song played frequently at our church and in my home!

Not only have I encountered this verse in the Yes To God bible study, it has presented itself in the Multiply Course (making disciples) I have been taking with a good friend, Wendy, it has been on 100 Huntley Street twice in the last two weeks and in another book I have started re-reading 'The Purpose Driven Life'.

So today I hope you will look inside yourself and really ask yourself, is my soul needing spiritual nourishment?  If its more than that, please find someone to talk to and if it is spiritual uplifting I hope you will check out some of the things I've mentioned above.

10,000 Reasons - Please view this song, it really talks to your soul!

Please keep in mind that I am not promoting anything on this blog, I am just giving my opinion on what has been great for me as a person!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Its a heavy and multi meaning word.

Mercy can mean different things to people. I have three recent examples in my life:

  1. I locked my keys in my car (I never do this- ever!) and my husband had my spare set, but he was in Maryland, USA (I'm in Calgary, AB-Canada). I had only a little over an hour before I had to go get my kids. The tow truck driver arrived in minutes and he turned out to be a friend of one of my co-workers. The tow truck driver didn't charge me!   I think his mercy was hearing of all the bad things that were happening to me that day - although the Lord balanced those things out too!
  2. A regular customer in our store loves to talk hobbies and sometimes we talk scripture and I have even prayed with him in some hard times (yep, right in the store).  He came to me a couple of days ago and said that he hadn't been in for a while as he was depressed.  Then he shared that he remembered me praying for him and he started praying for himself. It came to him during prayer - "I free you from your chains as the Lion of Judah".  He then said he felt a great weight off his chest.   ~for reference click here~  He came to me here at the store, the next day to say that he believes the Lion of Judah was indeed Jesus, taking his giant paw and slicing the chains that were tightening around my friend! 
  3. This last example is a true miracle and act of Mercy from our Savior. A family member decided to bring a financial lawsuit against my husband, myself and our business. We had no dispute we owed him some money, we just had none to reimburse him with and we asked him to wait until our strong sales season. He would not wait and his lawyer gave us two weeks to come up with a plan.  We were panicking! My husband and I were beside ourselves, until a couple nights later when the Lord spoke to us both telling us to go back from 1994 to present day and record every deposit and payment on a spreadsheet.  We took 12 and a half hours and went through Every Scrap of paper (I'm glad I never threw any of it away!) and we found out that we had written this family member a rather large cheque that neither of us remember writing.  So it looks like we don't owe him anything!
Two great songs come to mind: Lord, Have Mercy and Once Again. I hope you watch them!

In what ways has the Lord shown you Mercy or have you seen the Mercy of His works?

Please leave your comments!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Finding My Purpose

Have you ever had one of those periods in life where 'someone' keeps trying to tell you something?
Lately I have been finding a renewed strength in my faith. Faith in my family, spirituality and in myself.

I have been hearing a little voice inside me saying 'start up a Women's Bible study'. Not just for me, but for others who are just starting in their journey, rekindling their faith or are just not sure where to turn.

I have also started to realize that my life needs to be just more than running my family business, looking after everyone's needs and wants at home = I need to make time for me.
(After I make dinner, settle the kids and find time to sit at the computer)

Now don't get me wrong, I love being the boss, the Mum, the wife, the get 'er done gal, I just need to find out where I fit in to this daily cacophony.

~~ as I try to write this I end up getting sidetracked into starting plans for the family vacation in September~~

Going back to the Women's Bible study: I have some local women interested in a small home group (if you have tips for this I'm all ears!).  I would like to touch on the subjects of Fear, Pride, Finding Your Gift and more.

As I was trying to decide if I was really being called to do this study for others, I came across two bible verses that keep showing up in the oddest ways and places:

  1. Psalm 119:114 - the word of God will encourage you and give you hope
  2. Psalm 119:18 - open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law
I also have a goal this week: to talk to someone in the hopes of opening a conversation to lead to disciple

I hope others will comment and follow these posts, let's see what kind of journey we can create together!

God Bless and keep you!